Updates Coming Soon
Please check back again for updates - we are currently in the process of re-stocking our inventory! :)
If you have any specific questions or would like to place a special request/order please reach out to us at (250) 338 3881 - send us an email at goldphoenixasianfoods@gmail.com - or fill out a contact form here on the website!
If you have any specific questions or would like to place a special request/order please reach out to us at (250) 338 3881 - send us an email at goldphoenixasianfoods@gmail.com - or fill out a contact form here on the website!

Hear my Story!
Gold Phoenix Asian Foods was featured in the Comox Valley Record Newspaper as well as on the Holding Heritage Podcast to share our business journey here in the Comox Valley. Click the link below to listen!